Tutorial “Autumn on the Hudson Revisited” by John O’Keefe Jr.

Autumn on the Hudson Revisited by John O'Keefe Jr.

This is my first oil painting. I used a small 6 X 4 Canvas Board with inexpensive oil paints. I did not want to spend much money on my first attempt. This painting is not an original composition of mine; I referenced a portion of a painting by Thomas Doughty. Thomas Doughty was one of the first Hudson River School painters, and the painting is titled “Autumn on the Hudson.” Please enjoy my tutorial “Autumn on the Hudson Revisited” by John O’Keefe Jr.

Composition and Materials – “Autumn on the Hudson Revisited”

Reference painting by Thomas Dought entitled Autumn on the Hudson
Autumn on the Hudson
by Thomas Doughty, 1850
  • Support: Canvas Board (Medium Textured / Acrylic Primed)
  • Size: 6 x 4 inch
  • Medium: Very cheap oil paints – brand unknown
  • Finish: Winsor & Newton Dammar varnish

Step-By-Step – “Autumn on the Hudson Revisited”

Day 1

Autumn on the Hudson Revisited by John O'Keefe Jr. - Day 1

I painted in layers, as you can see in the attached images. First, I painted the background – sky, water, mountains, and field as shown.

Day 2

Autumn on the Hudson Revisited by John O'Keefe Jr. - Day 2

I let the painting dry for several days before adding the distant trees, shrubs, and large tree trunk.

Day 3

Autumn on the Hudson Revisited by John O'Keefe Jr. - Day 3

The leaves on the big tree, the house, and some additional details in the landscape came last. I was not happy with the big tree, but I was too nervous that I would ruin the whole painting if I tried to change it, so I left it alone.

Finished Painting – “Autumn on the Hudson Revisited”

Autumn on the Hudson Revisited by John O'Keefe Jr., Framed
Autumn on the Hudson Revisited by John O'Keefe Jr., Displayed

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial “Autumn on the Hudson Revisited” by John O’Keefe Jr.